Posts from December 2022

You may have over-indulged during the festive season, or you may have been gradually slipping into unhealthy habits all year. New Year is traditionally a time to re-set, to make some changes, and this year, with gentle but effective hypnotherapy, you can make those changes stick. Listen to this free recording to re-set your habits for your healthiest year yet! 
Habits such as overeating, smoking, drinking too much and even nail-biting are rooted in the subconscious mind. Although they once served a purpose (such as comforting you or making you feel grown-up), they are patterns that have stuck and because they are so entrenched, it usually takes communication with the subconscious mind to help you move past them and develop lasting healthier habits. This is where hypnosis comes in as it opens up the communication channel to your subconscious mind.