Smoking / Vaping Cessation
How effective is it?
Extensive research by the University of Iowa and published in New Scientist Magazine (vol 136, issue 1845-31, October 1992) has shown that hypnosis is the most effective method of smoking cessation, rating it six times more effective than nicotine replacement patches and gum, and almost three times as effective as acupuncture. Further research by the Massachusetts General Hospital echoes these findings Science Daily.
Become a true non-smoker
(Not just a smoker who is courageously resisting cigarettes)
Everyone knows someone who has quit smoking but still says they’d like one with a drink, or after a meal. And what a terrible place that is to be. Having to deny yourself something you want all the time.
That’s why I use an approach that helps you become a true non-smoker, not just someone who is resisting smoking.The ‘stopped smoker’ courageously resists having a cigarette, while the non-smoker couldn’t think of anything worse than smoking.
That’s if they give it a thought at all.
My approach to smoking cessation hypnotherapy changes the
subconscious mind of a smoker to an effortless non-smoker.
The techniques I use address every single psychological trick that smoking addiction plays on you and frees you from its grip.
Smoking cessation hypnosis with me will gently move your mind from its current addicted state to complete freedom from cigarettes.
No longer will you be controlled by the need to smoke: no more planning your day so you can smoke, no more running outside at work or at parties, no more worrying whether you have enough cigarettes left. No more stressing about what smoking is doing to your health.
Call me now and find out how I can help you make quitting smoking much easier than you could ever have imagined.
07840 428569

What happens when you stop smoking / vaping?

What does the smoking / vaping cessation package involve?

What happens when you stop smoking or vaping?
There has never been a better time to quit either smoking or vaping, with the economic situation tightening our purse strings and a smoking ban in public places. Most people are also better informed these days of the considerable dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting. Quitting without nicotine replacement therapy results in immediate health benefits, as you can see from this timeline:

Within 20 minutes of your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse return to normal
Within 12 hours, levels of oxygen and carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal
Within 72 hours, your bronchial tubes relax and you feel an increase in energy
After 72 hours, your body will test nicotine-free and the restlessness or anxiety typically associated with nicotine withdrawal will have peaked, meaning it all gets much easier after this
After 48 hours, your nerve endings begin to regenerate, meaning your sense of smell and taste increase
Within 1 month, your skin and hair look noticeably clearer and healthier
After 9 months, there is a 10% increase in lung function and your circulation is improved
A year after you stop, your risk of premature death through stroke or heart attack is reduced by 50
10 years after you stop, your risk of lung cancer drops to 50% of that of a smoker
The majority of these health benefits of quitting also apply to stopping vaping.
Of course, there is also the powerful sense of achievement, the knowledge that you have increased your odds of living to see your grandchildren grow up, and you have more money in your bank account to spend on the things you really want.
What does the smoking / vaping cessation package involve?
2 sessions (the first lasting up to 2 hours, and the second lasting 60 minutes)
Stopping smoking or vaping does require some willpower, a belief that you can do it, and strong motivation. However, if you have all of these, I can help you, regardless of how many times you have tried to stop before, and no matter how much you vape or many cigarettes you smoke each day or when you began.
The Solution-Centred Hypnotherapy smoking / vaping cessation programme has been designed to help you overcome the fear of stopping and to teach you techniques for dealing with stress and trigger situations. The overall aim is to break up the internal programming that caused smoking or vaping to become a habit, anchor powerful reminders of the positive benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle, work on blocks that have prevented you from stopping in the past and support you in becoming a permanent non-smoker.
The treatment begins with a case study of your lifestyle and smoking or vaping habits and a chat about what it has been doing to your body and your mind, and how this can be reversed. We will work together to build confidence, positive responses to stress, and to reprogramme your mind to view cigarettes and vapes differently and to make healthy choices.
Included in the programme are support materials, a recording of the hypnosis part of each session for you to take home and listen to regularly to reinforce the work we have done, and email and telephone support if required.