Posts from September 2024

Boosting Heart Health with Hypnosis: How to Develop and Maintain Heart-Healthy Habits 
The heart is at the centre of our well-being, pumping life-sustaining blood throughout the body. Yet, despite being such a vital organ, many of us take it for granted—until problems arise. The good news is that small, consistent changes can make a big difference in protecting your heart for years to come. 
On this year’s World Heart Day (September 29th), it's the perfect opportunity to make some lasting changes and take control of your heart health. Hypnosis can strengthen your heart and your habits. For a simple yet effective exercise that will help you, read on, and for support to help you make some important changes, drop me a line
Image source: psychologist-1015488_640 Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay